Monday, August 16, 2010

My First Day

I arrived a little early to make sure I was there on time and able to get my new room key. I didn't know where to get my key, so I went to the mail room to check my mail box. I felt like the "new kid". I waited for a few people to come in while I pretended to be on my cell phone. As I watched them, I figured we were to go through the main door. Once I went in, I saw a line and got in it. I was given my new room key and a new jump drive.

My new room is #43. :) I opened it up and dropped off some of my stuff before I headed to the media center for our motivational speaker. His name was Dave Weber. He was very good. He talked about how we need to try every day to make each day better than the one before. It doesn't have to be a big change, just a nose more! (He referenced the Kentucky Derby.) He had us break into groups and learn about each other in a different way.

Here's the exercise: (feel free to reply in the comments)
1. If you won 100 million dollars, what 5 things would you do with it?
2. What are your 3 pet peeves?
3. What 3 things do you value?
4. I absolutely love.... (no spouse or kid answers)
5. Sometimes I let myself indulge in....

It was a neat way to get to know each other. He was a great way to get our day going. He had lots of jokes and lots of enthusiasm! I really enjoyed his seminar and I think all teachers should start their pre-planning on a high note! :)

Then the PTA provided us with lunch! A very delicious turkey sandwich, chips, and a cookie! We all sat around the cafeteria in a big square, so we were all facing each other. The principal went around the room and introduced everyone and told the story of how they were hired. It was very impressive!

I worked in my room a little bit today... mostly putting away some of the books I ordered from scholastic! :) There's a picture of my new library.

I'm actually excited for the rest of the week! It was a very different experience than my other school. I'm becoming less nervous about the new position. I probably won't update again until after Thursday because it's our Meet the Teacher night! :)

I look forward to your responses! :)


  1. yay I'm so so so glad you had such a great first day! I have a whole bunch of books for you that I will try and send out this week :) Also I remembered a few of my favs from 4th and 5th grade that I think you should buy for your room or to read with the kids. There's "The Bogart" and "The boys start the war, the girls get even".

    and now I will play your game :)
    1. I would pay off both our student loans, pay off my house and build a brand new one with everything I want! Ummm have a bit of a shopping spree annnd save the rest because I'm practical like that :)
    2. 3 pet peeves- laziness, people who don't clean up after themselves, and when someone doesnt reply to an email/text when you KNOW they read it.
    3. 3 valued- love, honesty and trust
    4. I absolutely love.... reading a good book all day long and not having to worry about anything!
    5. Sometimes I let myself indulge in... wine :)

  2. Awesome! I am so glad to read that you had a good first day! I love that you sat together in a square so you could see everyone's face. I have wanted to do this for our staff meetings but my principal likes to be at the head- the clear leader. I have a good feeling about this school for you! Also, I thought I had a bunch of books for you, turns out I must have given them to my friend at school who moved from 4th to 5th grade. Sorry!

    1. If you won 100 million dollars, what 5 things would you do with it? I would pay off student loans and any other debt we had, plus our parents debt, build our dream house, buy a new car, go back to Aruba, shopping spree, save the rest.

    2. What are your 3 pet peeves? when people cut in front of you and then drive wicked slow, rude people, not cleaning up after yourself.

    3. What 3 things do you value? honesty, trust, love

    4. I absolutely love spending the day at the beach.

    5. Sometimes I let myself indulge in a bag of cheetos! haha
