Monday, August 30, 2010

A Good Day

So it's the start of my second week. I would say it was a good day today. I felt prepared and I was able to have plenty of things to cover. The only wrench in the schedule today was a fire drill at the end of the day. I've got a few boys that tend to get silly together. I need to really nip that in the bud ASAP! They work nice and quietly when it's time to be silent, but when I'm teaching they start to get restless and make jokes with each other. I will work on it.

Also, this week is stressful in the fact that we have Science planning on Wednesday, so we will have a sub in our rooms. Then I am out on Friday for the long weekend. It will be a big difference for the kids to be with someone new so soon, but hopefully things will be fine.

I need to work on my end of the day routine b/c the kids leave in groups. So I have to have them all packed and ready by the time the first group leaves. These 5th graders are busy with safety patrol in the morning and at the end of the day. Plus, we have specials first thing in the morning. So mornings are busy too.

I really want to start using my Promethean board. It's just we need some more training to make sure it works for the lesson. I feel a little caught off guard when it's not working the way it's supposed to. It will get there.

Overall, it was the first day I felt pretty good about. It was comfortable. I also got a new kid who is part of the inclusion program. So that will take some getting used to. Now to worry about my day tomorrow. :) Have a great week, all!

1 comment:

  1. Getting the routines down take the longest! Especially with older kids because they don't fully pay attention like they should or know how to. It will come for most and, unfortunately, there will always be a few that "forget".

    Stick to your guns and be tough now, it will pay off in the end!

    Good luck!
