Sunday, August 15, 2010

First Day is Tomorrow...

Oh my goodness! Summer is completely over tomorrow! :( I always hate when summer seems to end so quickly. This year seemed more quick than in the past. I think it's because we went into the middle of June and now we start in the middle of August. That's only 2 months! When did our summers get so short?

I've been getting more and more nervous all week. I think I've been psyching myself out. Thank goodness I know my team members already. That means I will have 2 people to sit with. It's tough being the new girl. I went through that before in high school...and that didn't quite go so well. (ha) But there is a familiar face that moved from my old school to my new school, so that's comforting! :)

I have to be there at 8am tomorrow. I was trying all week to get to bed earlier to be ready for this upcoming week. But anytime I wanted to go to bed, I couldn't. The mind gets going on things that just keep me busy. It's mostly worrying about school stuff. I want the teachers to like me and I want to have my room ready with my plans ready to teach when the kids walk in the following Monday.

Wish me luck... Hopefully I can sleep tonight! :)

1 comment:

  1. This summer did seem to fly by! I don't know why, but it did.

    I get nervous every year before the first day of school, so I can only imagine the nerves you have when starting at a new school.

    Good luck, I can't wait to find out how the school day went!
