Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Week

So i'm about to finish my first week as a 5th grade teacher. I am overwhelmed! This week has been very busy and a fly by the seat of my pants kind of week. I didn't have enough planned on Monday. It was all procedural stuff. Then I fell behind on items that needed to be turned in to the principal and assistant principal.

I just feel like every time I'm about to get above water something brings be right back down. Today was probably the hardest day so far. It's not the kids. I really like all of my kids. It's the new material and all the other stuff that makes it hard. Jackie was my saving grace today. I walked in to talk to her and she just knew something was wrong. I get real emotional when something isn't going well for me. She talked me through it and made me feel much better. Thank you lord for Jack! :)

It's hard adjusting to being at work from about 7:40 til about 6pm. That's what I've been doing all week. Is it too late to change to 3rd grade? I'm just not comfortable with the material yet. I feel like a first year's awful. I pray that it gets better. I hope you do too!

PS...I got a package of some great books today! Thanks, Amy! She also sent me a nice little motivating card. It really made my day! :)


  1. Switching grades is definitely tough. I've been there before. It takes awhile, but you'll get used it especially once you realize how you're expectations of their work changes.

    I hope you can relax this weekend!

  2. aw yay I'm so glad you got your books and you liked the card! I'm glad they came at the end of the week when you needed a little pick-me-up and motivation :)

    You're going to be a wonderful 5th grade teacher once you get in your groove. Step one is that you like the kids and your collegues. Step two will come as you get more familiar with the material. and in the meantime-- relax this weekend and remember to take deep breaths!
