Sunday, August 22, 2010

Meet the Teacher

Well meet the teacher went well. I had 11 out of 18 show up. They were all very nice and only a few parents gave me "the speech" about their child's behavior.

I had parents visiting from 4-6pm. We have these new Promethean board in our classrooms. We had to learn enough about it to make a fun interactive attendance check for the night. I made a bookshelf and the kids had to put a book with their name on it onto the shelf. It's super neat how they could just walk up with the pen and move the book over on the board. They all seemed pretty excited about it and so did the parents. I think I'll be more excited about it when I'm fully trained! It will definitely enhance the way these kids learn and the way I can teach.

I've been freaking out all week about my plans for next week. We planned out our week as a team and then realized we needed the first day to explain all the procedures and behavior charts. So then we shifted all plans by one day and never really planned exactly what to do the first day. So I've spend my whole weekend looking up fun "first day" activities! I went and made some copies at Kinko's and wrote up a minute by minute schedule. I'm a little weird in the fact that I have to know exactly what I'm doing and at what exact time I'm doing it. :) I think I get that from my dad. School is the only aspect of my life I have to do that. Who knows why?

So now I'm all planned out for the first day. I've got my copies ready. I have my outfit all picked out. I have my clothes in the dryer for the week. Its all about setting a tone for the year on that first day. I hope I can do that. Wish me luck! :)

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