Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One Word


As you can see I haven't posted in a while because not only have I been busy at work, but our weekends have been just as busy. This job is very different than the past 4 years that I have previously taught. It is so much more involved!

Tonight was Open House~ We had 3 sessions where we had to present for about 20 minutes about what the kids are going to learn for the year. I think the hardest thing for parents to understand is that it is NOT the time for a conference. It's only for me to share important information for the year. They always want to stop and talk to me about their child. Even though I say please sign up for a conference if you would like one. But they always say, "How's my child doing?" I always say good. I send home their progress reports tomorrow. We'll see how many contact me after they see those. (I expect a lot to contact me. These kids are not paying attention)

This week is probably the busiest week I've ever had at work. Yesterday we have our Reading Benchmark test and some FAIR testing. Today we had our Math Benchmark test, Guidance, and an AVID presenter about college. Tomorrow we have the Science Baseline test and enrichment groups start. Then on Thursday we have picture day! It has been very difficult to actually teach this week! Normally I wouldn't mind that, but with fifth grade I feel like every day is VERY important. I will slowly figure it out. :)

Here's to hoping things calm down. Have a great week!!